Aloha and Welcome

If you're here then you must have clicked on the wrong link some where back there.... If you are here on your own volition then you must be interested in the progress of our Danish/Vietnamese house. Its been a long, dusty road filled with saw dust, wood glue and BUCKETS of dry wall mud. But with each pass of the sand paper our house is looking like what we dreamed it to be.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Some Pre-Finished Kitchen Pics

  Since I don't have any new pictures of the flooring that just went in I will just post up some pictures that I forgot to post from my big camera from a while ago.  This back when Danish Man was starting to put in our kitchen cabinets, with a tiny little help from Maus.  As you can see there is no paint, no doors on the cabinets yet, just the boxes, counter top and floor, not even any appliances.

 Here we started teaching Maus the difference between a flathead and phillips screw driver.  How helpful she is to Danish Man.
 "Maus to attach the brackets we first need to screw the plates in"

 Looking at these pics and at the most current kitchen images and you can see a lot has happened and how MUCH closer we are to a completed kitchen. 
 I am truly blessed to have a talented, handy and artistic husband to remodel and build me a house that suits our needs, vision and style.
 So much storage in the kitchen, cause I'm going to need it for all of the knick knacks and food stuffs I tend to accumulate.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Flooring is now in.....

Yay!  So this past weekend Danish Man and I put our mind and bodies to it and painted the kitchen and living room and got some of the flooring in.  You can see from the pics in the previous post that the blue in the kitchen looks really nice and is a great compliment to the bluish purple in the dining room.  The painting didn't take too much time but it does take a toll on our shoulders, back and arms.  We painted on Friday and Saturday night with just one light source to guide us.  Lucky for us it worked out.  Why you ask we didn't paint during the day, let's say we had "other"commitments *coughsurfingcoughbakingdogbiscuits*

While I was out on Saturday morning Danish Man went ahead and started to put up the cabinet door for the cubby hole that houses my stand mixer.  I must say it looks freaking awesome and I can't wait till he builds a slide base for the mixer so I can slide the mixer in and out.  No heavy lifting for me! 

Then on Sunday while I was out scooping dog turds in the backyard. Danish Man went ahead and started to install the flooring from the kitchen into the living room.  I tell you all it looks fantastic, and reality is hitting me that the house projects are coming along and will end some day!  Yay!!!!!  I must say that I am one lucky lady to have such a talented and skillful husband.  The flooring is bamboo and I'm so excited to have hardwood floors in, after living with concrete flooring for over a year now.  Mind the kitchen floor, its slate tiles and I need to mop it and clean up all the doggy paw prints.  Also we need to install a cabinet door next to the stove, the first one was cut too small.  But doesn't the kitchen look splendid?

In the picture above to the right is our "picture" window that looks into the dining room, we plan to put a counter on it and perhaps some bar stools, unless I decide to start putting little flower pots and pictures up there. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Mas Paint!!

So last night and today Danish Man and I painted the living room and kitchen. I don't mind painting but I do have my limits. Boy is my back, arms and shoulders killing me. Let me just post pics here and descriptions later.

The picture above is looking from the kitchen/living room looking through the picture window into the dining room. In this picture the paint looks greenish but its really a blue color like the picture below.

 Danish Man painting while I was in the kitchen baking banana peanut butter biscuits.  He did an awesome job pushing through the wee hours of Friday night.  Poor guy didn't get to bed till almost 1 am. 

What I woke up to the next morning, I loved the color against the dark counter and warm wood.