Aloha and Welcome

If you're here then you must have clicked on the wrong link some where back there.... If you are here on your own volition then you must be interested in the progress of our Danish/Vietnamese house. Its been a long, dusty road filled with saw dust, wood glue and BUCKETS of dry wall mud. But with each pass of the sand paper our house is looking like what we dreamed it to be.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Finally more painting

We had such grand plans for working on the house this weekend, in my own mind I was thinking we could paint the kitchen and dining room. But.... with the Thanksgiving holiday we didn't get very far.  Danish Man sanded quite a bit more, cleaned up dry wall dust and we got to paint the dining room.  It actually looks quite lovely with the sunlight streaming on through.  I have to say masking the ceiling and around corners was not as bad as I usually see it.
Sorry it seems my first photo does not want to stay up right in the correct viewing angle.  But it just basically shows the beginning of our paint job and a better contrast at the color difference between the purple blue and the white that the wall was. 

We can't wait for the floors and the base boards to be installed so we can put our dining room set in there.  Now we need to paint the kitchen and living room!  Hopefully this weekend.

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